
Never thought I would have full conversations with adults about poop until I became a mother. That’s what mothers do is talk about their kids when around each other, and most of the time is about their kid’s poop. Yes, believe it or not, poop is a big  topic starter. I’ve seen every single color there probably is and I have smelt them all too. And yet somehow, I still do not have a strong stomach. I can’t even watch The Walking Dead without getting nauseous and yet I have to put up with my child blowing bombs over Baghdad like they’re going out of style. It is all apart of the job of being a parent, it’s not a pleasant one, but someone has to do the dirty work until it is time for the potty training phase.

Organization is key

Being organized is a really good trait to have . This will help you remember doctor appointments, groceries that you need to buy, when was the last time you change the baby’s diaper, or even a good way to keep up with how many times you fed it throughout the night. Your life is going to be really hectic once the baby is there, so to make things easier, have a little journal to write down the stuff that you do until you get the swing of things. And if it works then keep it up, stay organized and keep up being a good role model for your child and maybe they’ll take after you. This will help big time when your child is old enough to start picking up toys and putting them away. It’s a win, win situation for both parties.

Life Change

The very moment you find out your pregnant your life changes forever. It’s not just about you anymore, it’s about you and one other person. A tiny person that is now inside you and growing, and is depending on you to make sure they are taken care of. You’ll be very busy all the time like setting up appointments and taking care of this little one if he or she is sick. The life that you knew  will no longer available, but now there is a new and better life is in store for you. You have a chance to set things right. If your parents didn’t do things that you like, you now have the chance to show your child that you can do better and that you will do better for them. Because now all that matters is your child and nothing else. Your life changes forever . It is all on how you decided to be a parent, that will be

Say it isn’t so

We’ve all heard the sayings of daddy’s girl and mama’s boys, and to say the least, I think they’re true. My daughter can be with me all day long, having a great time, and then her dad comes home from a long day of work. In an instant, she has completely forgotten about me, and now it’s all about her daddy. Except when she is sick, then she is all over me wanting to cuddle, and then I end up getting sick too. My sister has a son and he is the same way to her.  As soon as she walks in the door,  it’s all about mommy. You would think that the same sexes would get along, but instead it is the opposite. I guess that old saying is true: opposites attract. I’m guessing that dads are usually more gentle with their daughters and rough with their boys to make them more manly that’s my only reason for it. Whatever it is, I wouldn’t have it any other way. One of the most beautiful things to see is a father playing with his little girl.

Num Nums

Doctors say that anywhere from four to eight months is the time to start feeding your child solid foods. This is where the fun really starts. Not only will you have a huge mess to clean up each time on the high chair and your baby, but you will also have to change some of the worst smelling poop you’ve ever smelt in your life. At this young age, kids usually eat anything that you give to them. My daughter was really good at eating all her different vegetables and fruits, but now as a toddler she doesn’t want to eat anything but cookies, cake and ice cream. Thanks to her being a daddy’s girl she gets what she wants, and usually her daddy gets her sweet stuff and usually it is before bedtime. I suggest to you, as a parent, to stay away from any sweets or fast food, and just keep at it with all the healthy food to make sure your baby has a healthy is life possible until they get to make the choice of eating unhealthy foods.


And of course cartoons are a daily thing in my household. More and more cartoons are coming out each day, and I think they getting more stupid as each day goes by. Some TV shows for children, I think, are not rated properly. Sesame Street actually had an episode where they were making fun of True Blood. This is supposed to be a sexually explicit show for adults. Luckily though, my daughter is all into Disney, and I am too. So at least, whenever it comes time to watching these movies over and over they are the ones that I like and already know all the words to the songs. I’ll sing along with the movies, and I’ll sing my heart out. Then all the sudden I’ll have my daughter shushing me, telling me to be quiet and let them sing. She’s two by the way.

Boobie Milk

Breastfeeding is a natural thing, and for some reason some people want to make a big deal out of it. I can’t believe that some people actually want to say something about a woman feeding her child. Do they know that they do in  fact eat out in public themselves? Then why can’t babies? Now having said that, I was actually one of the mothers that would not breastfeed in public. I felt too awkward to have staring eyes trying to watch me feed my baby. I also didn’t do it in front of family, but that’s just because I didn’t feel comfortable doing that. On the bright side of things, I got all that alone time with my daughter especially in the beginning, since they take a long time to eat. So I made sure, whenever we were home,that I had my TV set and feet propped up, because we were going to be in that room constantly. When your breastfeeding it seems like that is all you do. Two hours fly by, and then suddenly it’s time to feed the baby again. My daughter loved her boobie milk, and I was so glad when she finally started drinking bottles. I lost that one on one connection with her, but I gained some much need time to be able to do housework!

Own your Weight

Pregnancy is such a wonderful  time in your life, except for when it comes to your body. As a woman your body is stretched to its limits in a short amount of time. Your energy is spent trying to build a tiny life inside of you and making it grow everyday for nine months. You are tired and don’t feel like keeping up an exercise routine. From personal experience, I am telling you not to give up! Keep at it, and in turn, you will be happy you did. Some women gain a lot of weight and some women hardly gain any at all, but each woman is different and so is each pregnancy. If you’re like me, then you gained more weight than you wanted to during your pregnancy, and now your post-baby body is is not to your liking. I tried working out and I’ve tried eating right, but the pouch on my belly is still here and my legs are still like jelly. I just got to keep up my healthy life style and then I’ll get the results I’d like to have. But in the end, none of that really matters; all that matters is, I have a beautiful baby girl that I made inside of my body, and that makes my body beautiful.

Sleepless Sleep

Sleep, it’s such a wonderful word when you really think about it. It’s the time of day where your body finally get to relax and you have nothing to worry about except for what kind of crazy dreams you are going to have. But, if you are a parent, sleep is a word that you rarely get to use in your vocabulary, especially when they’re first born. Those sleepless nights go on and on; they seem like they’re endless. You’re just so tired and all you want to do is close your eyes, but you have a child who is hungry or has a upset stomach that you have to tend to. And when you do finally get to fall asleep, you are constantly waking up to check on your infant. I know I did, but I also worry too much for no reason. Nowadays my child thinks it’s ok to stay up until 10 or 11 o’clock, and Mommy can’t hang anymore. I’m fight to keep my eyes open, while she’s fighting me trying to put her pjs on. Then when she falls asleep, I pass out only to be woken up, what seems like minutes later, too my beautiful little girl…in my face…telling me to get up! All I’m saying is enjoy it while you can.