Say it isn’t so

We’ve all heard the sayings of daddy’s girl and mama’s boys, and to say the least, I think they’re true. My daughter can be with me all day long, having a great time, and then her dad comes home from a long day of work. In an instant, she has completely forgotten about me, and now it’s all about her daddy. Except when she is sick, then she is all over me wanting to cuddle, and then I end up getting sick too. My sister has a son and he is the same way to her.  As soon as she walks in the door,  it’s all about mommy. You would think that the same sexes would get along, but instead it is the opposite. I guess that old saying is true: opposites attract. I’m guessing that dads are usually more gentle with their daughters and rough with their boys to make them more manly that’s my only reason for it. Whatever it is, I wouldn’t have it any other way. One of the most beautiful things to see is a father playing with his little girl.

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