
Never thought I would have full conversations with adults about poop until I became a mother. That’s what mothers do is talk about their kids when around each other, and most of the time is about their kid’s poop. Yes, believe it or not, poop is a big  topic starter. I’ve seen every single color there probably is and I have smelt them all too. And yet somehow, I still do not have a strong stomach. I can’t even watch The Walking Dead without getting nauseous and yet I have to put up with my child blowing bombs over Baghdad like they’re going out of style. It is all apart of the job of being a parent, it’s not a pleasant one, but someone has to do the dirty work until it is time for the potty training phase.

Organization is key

Being organized is a really good trait to have . This will help you remember doctor appointments, groceries that you need to buy, when was the last time you change the baby’s diaper, or even a good way to keep up with how many times you fed it throughout the night. Your life is going to be really hectic once the baby is there, so to make things easier, have a little journal to write down the stuff that you do until you get the swing of things. And if it works then keep it up, stay organized and keep up being a good role model for your child and maybe they’ll take after you. This will help big time when your child is old enough to start picking up toys and putting them away. It’s a win, win situation for both parties.

Life Change

The very moment you find out your pregnant your life changes forever. It’s not just about you anymore, it’s about you and one other person. A tiny person that is now inside you and growing, and is depending on you to make sure they are taken care of. You’ll be very busy all the time like setting up appointments and taking care of this little one if he or she is sick. The life that you knew  will no longer available, but now there is a new and better life is in store for you. You have a chance to set things right. If your parents didn’t do things that you like, you now have the chance to show your child that you can do better and that you will do better for them. Because now all that matters is your child and nothing else. Your life changes forever . It is all on how you decided to be a parent, that will be

Boobie Milk

Breastfeeding is a natural thing, and for some reason some people want to make a big deal out of it. I can’t believe that some people actually want to say something about a woman feeding her child. Do they know that they do in  fact eat out in public themselves? Then why can’t babies? Now having said that, I was actually one of the mothers that would not breastfeed in public. I felt too awkward to have staring eyes trying to watch me feed my baby. I also didn’t do it in front of family, but that’s just because I didn’t feel comfortable doing that. On the bright side of things, I got all that alone time with my daughter especially in the beginning, since they take a long time to eat. So I made sure, whenever we were home,that I had my TV set and feet propped up, because we were going to be in that room constantly. When your breastfeeding it seems like that is all you do. Two hours fly by, and then suddenly it’s time to feed the baby again. My daughter loved her boobie milk, and I was so glad when she finally started drinking bottles. I lost that one on one connection with her, but I gained some much need time to be able to do housework!